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Patterns in the Use and Cost of Medical Care for Osteoarthritis Prior to Total Knee Arthroplasty: An Analysis of the Osteoarthritis Initiative and Medicare Data

In this paper, ....

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Health and Spending Consequences of Bisphosphonate Treatment for Osteoporosis: A Markov Model Approach

Osteoporosis-related hip fractures are a major source of avoidable disabi ....

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Assessing the Value of Surgical Treatment for Select Musculoskeletal Conditions

Increasingly, policy makers and payers are focusing on value, defined as the health outcome achi ....

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Tracking Medicare Beneficiaries Who Present to the ED with a Cardiac-Related Symptom

The purpose of this study was to examine outcomes for Medicare beneficiaries who present to ....

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The Impact of the Economy on Service Volume at Ambulatory Surgical Centers

The great recession has had a significant and prolonged effect on unemployment rates in the United St ....

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Growth of Ambulatory Surgical Centers, Surgery Volume, and Savings to Medicare

We studied the impact of the growth of ambulatory surgical centers (ASCs) on total Medicare proce ....

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Relationship between ACO Participation and Outcomes for High-Cost Populations

Accountable care organizations (ACOs) have the potential to substantially reduce Medicare spending ....

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Monitoring The Effects of Maryland’s New All-Payer Model and Hospital Global Budget

As a subcontractor, KNG Health is monitoring acute care hospital and post-acute care utili ....

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Use of Prior Authorization by Medicare Advantage Plans Grew Notably Between 2018 and 2024

Medicare Advantage (MA) plans’ use of prior authorization (PA) -  a utilization management tool that requires patients to get their plans’ approval before a ....

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Use of Prior Authorization by Medicare Advantage Plans Grew Notably Between 2018 and 2024

Medicare Advantage (MA) plans’ use of prior authorization (PA) -  a utilization management tool that require ....

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Medicare Advantage Prior Authorization Denials for Post-Acute Care Are Rarely Overturned

Medicare Advantage (MA) plans limit use of Medicare-covered services, in part, through pre-service (prior) autho ....

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Growth in Special Needs Plans Outpaces that of Medicare Advantage, Particularly in the South

Special Needs Plans (SNPs) are Medicare Advantage (MA) plans that exclusively serve populations that have co ....

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Examining Growth Patterns in Medicare Advantage and Medicare Shared Savings Plan Accountable Care Organizations

Accountable Care Organizations (ACOs) and Medicare Advantage (MA) plans have risen to pro ....

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