Inna Cintina is a Principal Research Associate in the Evaluation and Health Economics Practice. Dr. Cintina is an applied microeconomist with over a decade of research experience in the area of health economics.
At KNG Health, Dr. Cintina is leading evaluations of the impact of managed care on high-need Medicare beneficiaries. Specifically, in work supported by a grant from Arnold Ventures, she is studying the distribution of high-need beneficiaries across enrollment types (Traditional Medicare, Accountable Care Organization (ACOs); and Medicare Advantage (MA)), healthcare services utilization and health outcomes in high-need beneficiaries attributed to ACOs relative to those in MA; and characteristics of MA plans associated with better health outcomes among enrollees. In other work, she studied disparities in utilization of new cardio- and neuro-vascular technologies and impacts of post-acute care settings on beneficiary outcomes.
She is an expert in using matching techniques, difference-in-difference methodologies, and other quasi-experimental statistical approaches, as well as producing client-oriented materials, white papers, and manuscripts. She has authored/co-authored more than a dozen articles, which have been published in peer-reviewed journals such as World Bank Economic Review, Health Economics, JAMA, Value in Health, and the American Journal of Managed Care.
Prior to joining KNG Health, Dr. Cintina worked at the Lewin Group/OptumServe and the University of Hawaii at Manoa. She has extensive experience in developing and implementing methodologies for identification of causal relationships, advanced analytics, project management, economic burden/cost of illness studies, and impact evaluations of alternative payment models, such as CMMI’s Bundled Payments for Care Improvement Initiative and Oncology Care Model.
Dr. Cintina has a PhD in economics from Clemson University, a MSC in European Economics and Public Affairs from University College Dublin, and an MA and a BA in economics from the University of Latvia.