Monitoring The Effects of Maryland’s New All-Payer Model and Hospital Global Budget

As a subcontractor, KNG Health is monitoring acute care hospital and post-acute care utilization in Maryland and identifying changes in utilization trends since the start of Maryland’s new All-Payer Model in 2014.  As part of this monitoring effort, KNG Health prepares quarterly hospital admission and post-acute care utilization reports to assist in monitoring of Maryland’s all-payer model.  The reports present trends in utilization and payment measures, including patient volume, discharge patterns, length of stay, and hospital payments.  In addition, it is developing a post-acute care utilization monitoring report that utilizes statistical process control to identify shifts in post-acute care utilization trends at the state level.

KNG Health is analyzing a variety of data sources to monitor health care utilization under Maryland’s new All-Payer Model.  These data sources include the following: inpatient (discharge) data and outpatient (ambulatory) data collected by the MD HSCRC, Maryland Health Care Commission’s Medical Care Database, Medicare enrollment and inpatient research identifiable files obtained through the Chronic Conditions Warehouse (CCW) within CMS’s Virtual Research Data Center (VRDC) interface, and most recently Maryland’s Medicaid data.

Services : Payment Policy & Delivery System Innovation, Program Evaluation and Monitoring Expertise: ,