Due to their significant health needs and ineligibility for Medicare, near-elderly Americans (ages 50-64) often face unique affordability challenges that affect access to care. KNG Health is supporting AARP Public Policy Institute (PPI) in studying how coverage availability and healthcare costs for this population differ from other age cohorts, with a special focus on enrollees in the non-group health insurance market. Specifically, we combined a variety of household surveys and administrative data sources to develop enrollment and health insurance premium estimates for both on- and off-Marketplace plans, as well as for small group market enrollees. AARP PPI is distributing select data from the analyses via its DataExplorer platform. In addition, AARP PPI has released two fact sheets on characteristics of older Americans in the non-group health insurance market and trends in non-group coverage for older Americans. A future report will focus on the health insurance affordability challenge for older adults.
Link: AARP PPI website
Services : Healthcare Reform Modeling Expertise: Healthcare Reform Modeling